Here are some more photos from Dollywood! Again, we had a GREAT time and you can see more photos in the post from yesterday - below this post. I mentioned that everywhere you looked we 'dressed up' really nice. They were fully decorated for FALL and Harvest Time and the colors were amazing! This fountain was placed in one of the more open areas towards the beginning of the park.
Here was one of the many roller coasters they had. It was linked to the Firefighters Dedication space nearby. Towards the end of this ride the roller coaster cars went into a 'warehouse' where it was getting ready to 'explode' and the coaster was shot backwards thru the rest of the ride. I could hear the rides speaker outside of the 'warehouse' part of the track. It was pretty neat and we didn't even ride it. Overall it's a great place to 'people watch' but I still thought the fall and harvest time decor and colors throughout the park was my favorite part!
I'm pretty sure this roller coaster was the Eagle Soar one. Again, I loved the surroundings. And nearby there was an Eagle Sanctuary of sorts - which was for Eagles that were previously injured that were nursed back to health but were unable to be released into the wild for one reason or another. One of the Dollywood Theatres and Stage Areas had an Eagle theme, too! The weather couldn't have been better! It was the perfect temperature the day we went. The sun was shining, there was a gentle breeze, and very few clouds in the sky.
Another ride that was popular was the River Boat Ride. I've seen these before but the path that this one took seemed superior. You were able to get a good look at that side of the park as well as all of the wonderful seasonal decorations. After the thrill seekers were done with this boat ride there was a nearby place to drive off. I think it was called a 'family dryer' or something and it was a couple of bucks to use.
Dollywood certainly didn't lack for water element, eye candy, and scenery that is for sure. This is one of the other rides that we saw...actually TWO...behind was a ride in a mill like structure and to the left you would see a small 'island' where there was a place to sit with tables and umbrellas and chairs and such. On the other side of that there was another ride for the younger crowd that was flat but the wooden raft like floats took riders around a path and onlookers could squirt them with water from outside of the ride.
One of the little nooks in Dollywood was set up like a small town "Main Street" or downtown area with shops and a diner. Next to that was an old time 'used car lot'. Out front of that were these cars! They were in tip-top shape. The diner was an old Red's Diner that you could go in and have a bite to eat. There were windows throughout so you could sit in there and see what was happening outside with no problem.
One of the things that was happening outside was SONG! These 5 street performers we singing songs from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. I read later that they are nationally recognized - as are 5 of Dollywood's Roller Coasters! Behind these performers was an old school gas station. Again LOTS to look at and take in. Dollywood really does have something for everyone!
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
WonderWorks - Part 2 - Optical Illusions
WonderWorks - Part 2 - Optical Illusions...yes, it's true...I got way behind on blogging while actually ON vacation so I will be blogging about it after the fact NOW and for the next week or two.
Looking back on our trip to Pigeon Forge, TN, and all of the photos I took...I really enjoyed the Optical Illusions at WonderWorks. It may have been my favorite part of the building. Everything from the up-side-down building as a whole to the eye-trickery that was found in many of the displays inside of the building.
The first photo is of one of the staircases inside WonderWorks. I love the prints, patterns, paint, colors, images...everything! Every spec of the place was SPOTLESS! Very clean! Very creative and fun for all ages!
This 2nd photo is one of the prints in the art gallery section of the optical illusion part of the walk-thru. Remember those eye-magic books that were really trendy in the 90s? That's what this reminded me of! With this one you could stand in front of it for about 30 seconds and it appeared to be moving...but...of really wasn't.
Then there was this 'thing' hanging on the wall. The wall was pretty plain-jane and had directional lights on both sides of this wire art piece.
This section was sponsored by Crayola Crayons.
I wondered WHY until I turned the lights on and off to see what all the fuss was about. It ended up being pretty cool.
It might not look like much now but check out what happens when I turned the lights on and off...
Pretty neat, eh!?
They had another one next to this one that ended up being an outline of the United States.
I didn't know that WonderWorks had 6 locations. We were looking into Myrtle Beach before booking this trip to Pigeon Forge. Both of those tourist destinations are home to WonderWorks...but they seemed to have their own things going for them at each location.
Another 'hands-on station' they had was this one!
Remember those little desk pieces or table top games that you found in toy shops or science shop years ago that you could push your hand or your face into and you would see the indent on one side and the imprint on the other? Well, this was a life sized one of those and it was pretty awesome.
Of course - I'm a goofball - and HAD to try it...
Dale always KNEW I was a little crazy but I think this trip really wonder about me...
BUT...I wasn't the only one....
There must have been a guy about 6'3"-6'5" that was there before me that tried to press his whole body up against it. It was a little freaky to see up close and with no one around. For some reason it reminded me of "Max Headroom" or something.
With the way the lights hit this last photo I thought it looked a little like rainbows and/or like I was reaching for the rainbow! Yes...I had a fun time at WonderWorks...I guess I still am a kid at heart, eh!?
Looking back on our trip to Pigeon Forge, TN, and all of the photos I took...I really enjoyed the Optical Illusions at WonderWorks. It may have been my favorite part of the building. Everything from the up-side-down building as a whole to the eye-trickery that was found in many of the displays inside of the building.
This 2nd photo is one of the prints in the art gallery section of the optical illusion part of the walk-thru. Remember those eye-magic books that were really trendy in the 90s? That's what this reminded me of! With this one you could stand in front of it for about 30 seconds and it appeared to be moving...but...of really wasn't.
Then there was this 'thing' hanging on the wall. The wall was pretty plain-jane and had directional lights on both sides of this wire art piece.
This section was sponsored by Crayola Crayons.
I wondered WHY until I turned the lights on and off to see what all the fuss was about. It ended up being pretty cool.
It might not look like much now but check out what happens when I turned the lights on and off...
Pretty neat, eh!?
They had another one next to this one that ended up being an outline of the United States.
I didn't know that WonderWorks had 6 locations. We were looking into Myrtle Beach before booking this trip to Pigeon Forge. Both of those tourist destinations are home to WonderWorks...but they seemed to have their own things going for them at each location.
Another 'hands-on station' they had was this one!
Remember those little desk pieces or table top games that you found in toy shops or science shop years ago that you could push your hand or your face into and you would see the indent on one side and the imprint on the other? Well, this was a life sized one of those and it was pretty awesome.
Of course - I'm a goofball - and HAD to try it...
Dale always KNEW I was a little crazy but I think this trip really wonder about me...
BUT...I wasn't the only one....
There must have been a guy about 6'3"-6'5" that was there before me that tried to press his whole body up against it. It was a little freaky to see up close and with no one around. For some reason it reminded me of "Max Headroom" or something.
With the way the lights hit this last photo I thought it looked a little like rainbows and/or like I was reaching for the rainbow! Yes...I had a fun time at WonderWorks...I guess I still am a kid at heart, eh!?
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Selfies at Dollywood they aren't really 'selfies' but they are photos of me while we were at Dollywood. I will have some more from WonderWorks in the very near future!
I took soooo many photo's at Dollywood that I will be posting them in chunks. Dale was behind the camera on these and with this first photo we were on a bridge shortly after entering the theme park. It was during their Gospel and Harvest Celebrations which last a little over a month. Within that time they have over 350 bands on site.
Everything was so festive looking with Fall colors and decor. But I have a feeling that the park goes 'all out' no matter what time of year it is. That was probably my favorite part...all of the eye candy!

Another major part of Dollywood is all of the Rollercoasters. Altho we didn't go on any of them they all looked pretty intense! One of the entrances was nearby this large metal eagle. There were many eagle themes throughout the park and I will probably talk more about that in the near future, too, but in short, Dollywood has a large place inside their park set up as a rehab center of sorts for eagles that have been injured and nursed back to health but aren't able to be released into the wild for one reason or another.

Another theme throughout the park was horses - and I was able to see a few unicorn related items - such as stuffed animals that were in the carnival game area.

It was a wonderful day weather-wise. There were a lot of vehicles but it wasn't as busy as I am sure if can be most times. That was completely fine with us, tho, we felt like we weren't rushed and we enjoyed walking around at our own pace and with little to no crowd dodging.

There was eye candy at every corner. It was a great surprise! The park was built on the side of a mountain and there were plenty of loops and nooks in the layout of the park that made it quite spread out, too!

Everyone was very nice, too! More on that in future posts as well! We spent a nice chunk of the day at Dollywood and I would recommend it to just about anyone...definitely worth a visit! Stay tuned for more Dollywood posts!
Monday, September 22, 2014
WonderWorks - Part 1

First of the stops we took a look at is the Google Earth 'booth'. It had a very large and colorful screen. Once you figured out the controls and functionality it was neat to zoom in and out on your town or city. It's much like what you would see on your computer screen but on a larger scale.
Nearby the Google station there was a nice man taking photos of couples in front of a blue screen (or if you are the technical type - it was actually a green screen - but you know what I mean!) We opted NOT to buy the photos at the end but I think it would be fun for couples or families for their scrapbooks.
Speaking of 'fun facts' I was reminded again just how short I was! Not only was there a place that would tell you your exact height - there was also a place you could stand in front of the average basketball player to see how you compared in height.
There were a few smaller areas where you could try and locate the 'purple' bead in the mix of millions of other ones and it would tell you the odds of someone actually finding that one bead...or you could shoot hoops...or try the virtual batting cages...and they would have neat facts around each station.
I was told I was 5'1"...I thought I was shy of 5'2" so I wasn't that far off. Dale is convinced he's shrinking...but...then again...I think that happens to us all over time.
There were a few children and families there today while we were there but there were more couples without children than I thought there would be. It was cool that we weren't the only ones!

There were things to look at EVERYWHERE and I mean EVERYWHERE. Just a few twists and turns into the exhibit we looked up and saw kids walking on what looked like glow-in-the-dark tight ropes.
And speaking of things that made you almost lose your balance...we went thru a glow-in-the-dark tunnel with a bridge that made you feel like you were spinning and going to fall but you weren't really moving at all! It was all just an optical illusion. If you like eye trickery you will LOVE this place. And lucky for me - I do - so this was GREAT!
But...first more on the fun lights and such! Remember Lite Brights?

And just for kicks I decided to have Dale take my picture while posing as a member of NASA. There were kids in the nearby 'space stations' learning about space and control centers and such. They looked like they were having a great time, too!
Yes! I took a lot of photos. More than I thought I I will have to break this post up into at least 2 parts so stay tuned for more of our adventures from WonderWorks in Pigeon Forge!
Yes! I took a lot of photos. More than I thought I I will have to break this post up into at least 2 parts so stay tuned for more of our adventures from WonderWorks in Pigeon Forge!
One View on One Day
A view from the balcony. It was about 76 degrees, sunny, and fair outside...a very nice day! We went to WonderWorks and I will post separately about that adventure but a few other things we did was drive around Pigeon Forge, spend time in our cabin, a lot of time with Paco, and we went Grocery Shopping at Kroger and found a few good deals. Oh, yes! Last night we went to Tom & Earl's Back Alley Grill. It was a neat place in the middle of the village portion of Gatlinburg. Since we were so tired from our trip I didn't take photos but we hope to go back and spend some time there so I will be sure to take some snaps when we return to that area. Another thing that happened this morning we already saw our first black bear. I wasn't able to get a picture, tho, it was about a foot from our parked car in front of the kitchen which is in the front of the cabin.
Before I get to the WonderWorks part - I wanted to post a few photos of the Magic Museum portion of the building. It was small but neat. There were a lot of historical magazines, paper clippings, and memorabilia. A great place to visit for families and any fan of magic.
They had displayed a few of the magicians classics such as this one. I really enjoyed seeing the old time media, photos, and pop culture part of it.
And I couldn't help but think of Harry Potter when I saw their collection of wands.
Next up...a post about the WonderWorks Portion of this building. One of my favorite parts was the eye candy - starting off with this wild up-side-down building! This is in Pigeon Forge, TN, and was fun...stay tuned for more...
Friday, September 19, 2014
Rocky Top - Let The Count Down Begin...
Dale said Paco was singing this song this morning before he left for work but I don't think that's true!
I'm posting this for many because we should be there before the weekend ends...two...because of the song at the beginning and I know a few people on our list who will be keeping on eye on this blog are Bluegrassers...three...because Dolly Parton is just so 'darn cute' and talented...and four...because she surprised me with the sax and I think Dale would get a kick out of that part - eventho - I KNOW - I KNOW - just like 'there's no crying in baseball' - there's NO sax in bluegrass! She's just having fun, folks! Simmer down now! LOL
I'm posting this for many because we should be there before the weekend ends...two...because of the song at the beginning and I know a few people on our list who will be keeping on eye on this blog are Bluegrassers...three...because Dolly Parton is just so 'darn cute' and talented...and four...because she surprised me with the sax and I think Dale would get a kick out of that part - eventho - I KNOW - I KNOW - just like 'there's no crying in baseball' - there's NO sax in bluegrass! She's just having fun, folks! Simmer down now! LOL
Monday, September 15, 2014
Bear Necessities Cabin - Jackson Mountain Homes - Gatlinburg, TN
Here is the Cabin we will be staying at while in Gatlinburg, TN. The cabin is called Bear Necessities and it's part of Jackson Mountain Homes. I will post more photos when we are in a settled but you can view more of the official photos on their website here.
It has a view of the SPUR area in the Great Smoky Mountains. This cabin has 1 bedroom, 2 baths, but can sleep up to 8. It's Pet Friendly and we will be taking Paco with us because we want to keep a close on him since he's on medication. Square Footage for this cabin is approximately 1,275.
There is a short 2 minute video tour of the cabin, too, in case you wanted to check it out! We don't have any concrete plans YET but will report any activities we end up doing here on our blog!
I'm sure we will be spending a lot of time in the Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, TN, areas while we are there! This will sure be an adventure for Dale, Paco, and I...since this is our very first Pet Friendly centered trip so far.
I'm sure we will be spending a lot of time in the Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, TN, areas while we are there! This will sure be an adventure for Dale, Paco, and I...since this is our very first Pet Friendly centered trip so far.
Welcome to the State of Bliss Travel Blog
Welcome to the State of Bliss Travel Blog. Blog posts will be made by Jennifer (or Dale) to close family and friends about our travels while we take them or shortly after. This will be a more in depth look at our visits and stop and will be heavy on the photos! Thanks for stopping by! Our first posts will be from The Smoky Mountain Area in Tennessee. Stay Tuned!
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